What is PEMF?

PEMF therapy is generally considered a safe treatment option, with few reported side effects. PEMF therapy uses low-frequency electromagnetic fields to stimulate the body's cells and tissues, which can promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation. One of the reasons why PEMF therapy is considered safe is because it is non-invasive. Unlike other treatment options, such as medication or surgery, PEMF therapy does not require any incisions or injections. This means there is a lower risk of infection or other complications It is important to note that PEMF therapy should not be used by people who have implanted medical devices such as pacemakers, as the therapy can interfere with these devices.

In conclusion, PEMF therapy is generally considered an extremely safe and effective treatment option for a variety of health conditions. The therapy is non-invasive and painless.

Is PEMF therapy safe, and are there any side effects ?

PEMF therapy is generally considered a safe treatment option, with few reported side effects. PEMF therapy uses low-frequency electromagnetic fields to stimulate the body's cells and tissues, which can promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation.

One of the reasons why PEMF therapy is considered safe is because it is non-invasive. Unlike other treatment options, such as medication or surgery, PEMF therapy does not require any incisions or injections. This means there is a lower risk of infection or other complications.

It is important to note that PEMF therapy should not be used by people who have implanted medical devices such as pacemakers, as the therapy can interfere with these devices.

In conclusion, PEMF therapy is generally considered an extremely safe and effective treatment option for a variety of health conditions. The therapy is non-invasive and painless.

When do you I use low/med/high intensity levels?
When in doubt always use low intensity. In this manual there are descriptions of conditions and what intensity level to use. Remember, NEVER use a level that causes the client pain or discomfort.
When using the PEMF , why does the clicking sound change frequency or speed without adjusting the dial?
During a session, it is common for the machine to change the clicking sound volume and or frequency without further adjustment. Do not be alarmed by this as it is merely an indication of or more or less energy being absorbed by the client's body and does not indicate any issue.
Why do I feel fluttering or muscle twitching in a different location from where the pad is located?
The electro-magnetic pulse will most likely cause muscle twitching at any level above low and this effect will become more pronounced as the intensity is turned up, this is normal and is no cause for alarm. The body will absorb this energy over a wide area and may cause twitching far from the pad location as this energy travels along the nerve tissue.
Is it safe to use if client has implants such as stainless steel screws, plates or rods?
Yes, you may use PEMF on clients who have stainless steel plates, screws etc. because this metal is non-magnetic and therefore should not be affected. If the client experiences any discomfort reduce power intensity or discontinue use.
Is it safe to use with dental work such as, silver fillings, crowns or other metal appliances?
Dental metals are non-magnetic and therefore should cause no issues. If the client experiences any discomfort reduce power intensity or discontinue use.
What does it mean if the coils become warm?
As the PEMF operates the coils may warm up depending on intensity level, higher intensity will cause the coils to become warmer. If the coils feel hot this is usually due to increased blood flow and cellular action in the body and if the coils are removed from the client they will quickly cool while the client may still feel a warm sensation caused by the increased blood flow and cellular action of the tissues in the immediate area.
What is that smell coming from the coils while the machine is running?
If a strange smell is present during the operation of the PEMF this is usually caused by the creation of Ozone due the Pulsed Electro-Magnetic wave that is created with each click, this is not cause for alarm.
How long of a session should each individual do?

It is suggested that PEMF sessions should start between 10-20 minutes maximum. Sessions should only be increased to 30 minutes after 5 sessions have been completed.

60 minute sessions are only to be used in extremely rare situations and only on VERY LOW intensity.

Sessions longer than 20 minutes may cause rapid cellular detoxification which can overwhelm the body’s elimination system causing the client to experience flu like symptoms.

Do I need to let the PEMF machine cool down after each use?
If the PEMF machine is used on High intensity for 10 minutes it should be allowed to sit with the fan running for 5 minutes before starting another session.
Is there any special care or cleaning instructions for the PEMF?
As with any electrical device the PEMF should never be used anywhere near water or in the presence of delicate electronics. No special cleaning should be needed, if the machine become dusty or dirty simply wipe down with a towel. Never spray any liquid on, at or near the machine as electrical shorting or electrical fire may result.
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